Lact - Palo Alto School Representative

Palo Alto School Representative

Center for training, intervention and research

Strategic systemic approach and hypnosis

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      By combining a deep understanding of family dynamics, effective communication skills, and techniques for changing limiting beliefs, NLP and the systems approach provide individuals with the tools needed to transform their lives and relationships. Discover these two approaches and how they complement each other.



      July 1, 2024
      from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

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      Come and discover our training courses in strategic systemic approach, hypnosis and systemic coaching. You will meet the trainers and be able to talk with them!

      Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), what is it?

      What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)?

      Programming (NLP) is a versatile approach that offers tools and techniques to improve communication, facilitate personal change, and promote success in many aspects of life. By combining the fields of psychology, linguistics and neuroscience, NLP offers practical methods for understanding and influencing the way we think, feel and act. In this article, we will explore the fundamental principles of NLP, its varied applications, and its benefits for personal and professional growth.

      The foundations of NLP

      NLP was developed in the 1970s by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, who studied the behavior and communication patterns of exceptionally effective people. They have identified patterns of thinking and language that can be replicated and taught to others to improve their performance and well-being.

      The basic principles of NLP

      The map is not the territory 

      Each person has their own subjective perception of reality, based on their experiences and mental filters.

      Communication is the response you get 

      Effective communication depends on how the message is received, not just how it is sent.

      The meaning of communication is in the response it generates:

      The success of communication depends on how it influences the behavior and emotions of the other person.

      Applications of NLP

      NLP offers a diverse range of applications and techniques in many areas of life, including:

      Communication and interpersonal relationships 

       NLP offers techniques to improve communication, build strong relationships, and resolve conflicts constructively.

      Coaching and personal development 

       Using tools such as modeling, visualization and reformulation of limiting beliefs, NLP helps individuals achieve their goals and overcome personal obstacles.

      Leadership and management 

      NLP techniques can be used to motivate and influence others, manage teams effectively, and develop authentic and inspiring leadership.

      Therapy and mental health 

       NLP is used as a therapeutic approach to treat phobias, trauma, anxiety disorders and other mental health conditions, by allowing individuals to reprogram their thought and behavior patterns.

      The advantages of NLP

      Practitioners and followers of NLP report many benefits of this approach, including:

      Improved communication 

      NLP offers techniques for communicating in a clear, empathetic and influential way.

      Personal development 

       By identifying and changing limiting thought patterns, NLP enables individuals to unlock their full potential and achieve their personal and professional goals.

      Managing emotions 

       NLP tools help regulate emotions and manage stress, thereby promoting emotional and mental well-being.

      Improved relationships 

       By understanding and respecting the perspectives of others, NLP promotes harmonious and enriching relationships.

      Why train in NLP

      Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is much more than a simple method of communication or personal development. It is a powerful approach to understanding and influencing our own thinking and behavior, as well as that of others. Whether in the professional, relational or therapeutic field, NLP offers practical tools to achieve success and fulfillment in all aspects of life.

      By adopting the principles and techniques of NLP, anyone can develop their communication skills, overcome personal obstacles and realize their full potential. NLP opens the door to a world of possibilities, where change and personal growth are within reach for those who dare to explore its teachings.

      Systemic therapy and NLP

      Systemic therapy and NLP

      The synergy between systemic therapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) offers an effective therapeutic approach in change processes. The complementarity of these two approaches opens new paths towards:

      An understanding of family dynamics 

      Systems therapy focuses on the interactions and relationship patterns within a family or social system. It helps identify dysfunctional dynamics that may contribute to individual problems. By understanding these patterns, individuals can better understand the impact of their home environment on their mental well-being.

      NLP then intervenes by offering practical tools to modify these thought and behavior patterns. For example, if an individual unconsciously reproduces toxic relationship patterns learned in childhood, NLP can help them recognize and change these patterns. By reprogramming automatic responses and limiting beliefs, NLP allows you to create new, healthier and more constructive patterns.

      Effective communication 

      Communication is at the heart of human relationships, and often relationship problems stem from difficulties communicating clearly and empathetically. NLP offers powerful techniques to improve interpersonal communication, such as active listening, congruent body language, and rephrasing.

      These communication skills can be integrated into systemic therapy to help family members express their needs and emotions in more constructive ways. By learning to communicate effectively, individuals can better understand the perspectives of others and resolve conflicts collaboratively.

      A change of beliefs 

      Limiting beliefs are negative thoughts or beliefs that hinder a person's potential. They can arise from childhood, education or the social environment, and have a significant impact on mental and emotional well-being.

      NLP offers reframing techniques to change these limiting beliefs and encourage a more positive and constructive mindset. By identifying the thought patterns that fuel limiting beliefs, individuals can challenge them and replace them with beliefs more aligned with their goals and values.

      Systemic and strategic therapy 

      Systemic and strategic therapy is an evolution of systemic therapy which includes an interactional reading of complex situations with brief interventions. It is particularly suitable for situations where problems seem to resist conventional treatment methods. This approach requires specific training which can be obtained through workshops, seminars and specialized courses after the initial diploma.

      Read also: The profession of systems engineer

      The teachings of Robert Dilts at LACT

      Robert Dilts, widely recognized for his major contributions to NLP, is a trainer at LACT. He teaches in particular in the following areas:


      Robert Dilts has developed several NLP models based on remarkable people in different areas, such as leadership, creativity, problem solving, and mental health. His models helped demystify exceptional skills and make them accessible to a wider audience.

      Change Strategies 

      Robert Dilts has developed numerous techniques and strategies for change based on the principles of NLP. His work on problem solving, change management and personal development has been widely adopted in the world of psychotherapy, coaching and personal development.

      NLP and health 

      Robert Dilts explored the application of NLP in the area of ​​health and wellness. He has developed NLP models for stress management, trauma healing, and mental health improvement. His work has opened new perspectives on how NLP can be used to improve quality of life and promote well-being.

      Major works of Robert Dilts 

      Robert Dilts is the author of many influential books on NLP, some of which have become classics in the field. Among his most famous works are:

      Strategies of Genius ”: This book explores the mental strategies of history's great thinkers and innovators, and offers practical techniques for applying them in everyday life.

      Beliefs: Pathways to Health and Well-Being ”: In this book, Dilts examines the role of beliefs in mental and physical health, and offers tools for transforming limiting beliefs into positive and constructive beliefs.

      NLP: The New Technology of Achievement ”: This book is a comprehensive introduction to NLP, offering techniques and strategies for achieving success in all areas of life.

      Training in brief systemic and strategic therapy 

      LACT offers several live certified web training courses with 50 international trainers:

      LACT, supporting you in your retraining journey

      LACT training courses are particularly suited to retraining situations with 100% distance learning and follow-up towards professional installation. 

      See testimonials from former students. 

      To find out the prices, select the training that interests you





      Bachelor's degree
      with or without

      clinical experience


      Bac +3

      clinical experience

      Bac +5

      clinical practice


      Bachelor's degree
      with or without

      teaching experience

      Bac +3

      teaching experience


      Bachelor's degree
      with or without

      coaching experience



      Bachelor's degree
      with or without

      clinical experience


      Bac +3

      clinical experience

      Bac +5

      clinical practice


      Bachelor's degree
      with or without

      coaching experience


      Bachelor's degree
      with or without

      teaching experience

      Bac +3

      teaching experience

      NLP Resources

      A team of more than
      50 trainers in France
      and abroad

      of our students satisfied with
      their training year at LACT *

      International partnerships

      The quality certification was issued under
      the following category of actions: Training action

      A team of more than
      50 trainers in France
      and abroad

      of our students satisfied with
      their training year at LACT *

      International partnerships

      The quality certification was issued under
      the following category of actions: Training action


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