Would you like to consult? Discover effective treatment methods to overcome anxiety and phobias. Brief and systemic therapy, an excellent treatment for anxiety disorders and phobias thanks to scientific research
The effectiveness of Brief Systemic Therapy
The systemic and strategic approach is particularly effective in the treatment of anxiety disorders and phobias. Thanks to a scientific approach to the functioning of these disorders, systemic interventions record powerful results in terms of treatment in an average of 5 appointments over a period of 5 months.
Overcome anxiety disorders and phobias
We help our patients overcome their anxiety disorders and phobias. Our goal is to provide you with the understanding and keys necessary to solve these troubles. It is possible to permanently overcome anxiety disorders and phobias. With our effective professional treatment and the support of family and friends when needed, it is possible to eradicate all traces of anxiety disorders from a person's life.
Strategic Brief Therapy®
Using over 25 years of clinical research and with thousands of patients successfully treated using our intervention model known as Brief Strategic Therapy®, we have proven (Gibson 2014, 2016, 2019a, 2019b, 2019c, Nardone 2013, Portelli, 2007) that while human problems can be persistent, complicated, and painful, we don't always need some long, drawn-out form of intervention to fix the problem and alleviate the suffering.
Our model has proven to be the most effective and efficient form of treatment for anxiety disorders and phobias (Ray & Nardone 2007).
Whether you suffer from anxiety disorders or phobias, whether you are a family member, friend or healthcare professional, this site aims to provide you with information on the signs, symptoms and effective treatment of anxiety disorder and phobias.
Cardiophobia represents a particular form of fear and in particular the fear of dying (pathophobia). By pathophobia is meant the fear of the onset of a fatal disease. It differs from hypochondria, which I discussed in a previous article, where I have hypochondriac patients who panic at the slightest sign of fluctuation...
Panic disorders
and agoraphobia
The World Health Organization defines panic disorder as a significant condition that affects up to 20% of the world's population and women are twice as likely to be affected as men. While the experience of panic can seem mysterious and sometimes inexplicable when it occurs, our research...
Parental overprotection
Modern life is marked by an increasing degree of narcissism and paranoia fueled by social media, which has poisoned our mental health. It's probably also partly because so many young people fear that admitting their vulnerability will affect their jobs or their relationships, at a time when their future is already much less certain...
Book an in-office consultation in Paris Montorgueuil or remotely by videoconference
We receive our patients from Monday to Friday.
To make an appointment you can call us on +33 (0) 1 48 07 40 40
or +33 (0) 6 03 24 81 65 or even make it directly online
by clicking here: