> What strategic stance should be adopted to calm things down and get out of a threatening conflict loop?
> When a conflict between an employee and his line manager is brought to light by the HR department, what should be done?
> What strategic posture to adopt in the face of angry or exhausted complaints? or untimely requests for mobility?
How to calm things down and get out of the crisis?
At some point, it becomes essential to give back a strategic role to the HRD in regulating the situation.
Cabinet LACT then looks at how and why it has not succeeded so far. It dwells on the disabling symptoms and their consequences on the blocking situation at which we have arrived.
In the RPS, LACT relies above all on the R of resources considering that everyone has resources to which it is a question of reconnecting. Difficulties are in fact only a temporary inability to find solutions.
Very classically within the framework of its strategic, systemic and operational method, the Firm first establishes a diagnosis by looking at:
- Who is involved in the situation
- Who is affected by the problem
- Who tries to solve it
LACT then meets with all the actors involved, collects their point of view, initially blocks what contributes to making the problem persistent.
Then he identifies the most mobilisable people.
Taking into account the overall situation, he designs and proposes targeted actions according to the resources of each, alternative actions, accessible and effective.
These actions are both strategic (objectives), expressed in terms of communication (how I formulate) and how I say it (relational attitude).