Web training module 2023/2024
emotional regulation
"Developing emotional skills"
This course allows the participant to explore the different emotions from a relational point of view, in a relationship to oneself or/and to the other and to understand the different regulation strategies that a person can implement and their consequences on the surroundings.
Work on emotion regulation studies “how individuals influence the emotions they have, when they have them, how they experience them and how they express them” (Gross). Emotion regulation is defined as the cognitive or behavioral strategies that are used to alter the circumstances in which an emotion occurs, the experience of an emotional response (including intensity and duration), or how an emotion is expressed to others (Gross, 2002).
In this course, the different strategies for regulating emotions will be studied, in particular through the work of Gross and Mikolajczak. We speak of “emotional regulation strategies” as we speak of “coping strategies” but it is quite obvious that these processes are not part of a strategy, they are learned implicitly through experience and are not chosen intentionally. You will learn to identify which strategies are functional and which are dysfunctional. The regulation of emotions will also be seen from the angle of the family with a particular interest in parent/child relationships and, by extension, the influence in transgenerational transmission.
Objective of the module
- Identify the different strategies for regulating emotions
- Study the regulation strategies within the family system
- Observe emotional resolution attempts to optimize the patient's chances of change
Module program
Skills acquired at the end of the training (pedagogical objectives)
- Study the strategies for regulating emotions and their consequences on the environment to bring the patient to experience new strategies.
- Identify the solution attempts made by the patient in order to define an appropriate therapeutic objective.
- Better understand how the dysfunctional emotional regulation patterns observable in the family are maintained in order to be more effective in its interventions.
- Adapt his posture as a speaker and his communication according to the emotion felt by the patient.
Target audience and prerequisites
- Any student or professional in the field of accompaniment and helping relationship
Modality, means and teaching aids
Interactive and experiential approach
- Individual, pair and sub-group work during the session
- Group facilitation method (LS/Wooclap)
- Analysis and sharing of experiences
Evaluation and monitoring methods
Obtaining the certificate for this module requires:
- to have followed at least 75% of the course
- to have obtained a score of 7.5 in the MCQ
Assessment of student satisfaction
At the end of the training, a satisfaction questionnaire will be completed by each participant so that they can assess the relevance of the content of the training with regard to their professional practice and the achievement of their objectives.
--> 95% of our students are satisfied with their training = number of students who gave a score greater than or equal to 7 out of 10 (0: "not at all satisfied"; 10: "completely satisfied")
- Special rate : €300 including tax
- Lact student rate for the year : €210 including tax
- Company/agreement rate : €345 including tax